Sunday, April 26, 2015

Twin Gender Reveal - April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015 was the big day that we announced the gender of our twins.  After having Grady, Kevin and I had agreed that it would be fun to not find out the gender of our next baby until we delivered.  However, once we got the twin bomb, I decided that was enough of a surprise for one pregnancy, and wanted to find out the genders ASAP.

During our ultrasound appointment the Friday before, we learned that our twins were in fact identical! Naturally, I've done a lot of research on that, and I will post more about it later.  For the purposes of this post, identical means we were either going to have 2 boys or 2 girls!

Currently in our family, my sister has 2 boys and Kevin's sister has 3 girls.  So if the twins were to be girls, Grady would be very outnumbered on the Finnen side of the family, and the gender spread would be pretty even on the Wilbanks side.  Regardless of what gender was revealed for these kiddos, everyone was just excited to know and praying for them to be healthy.

We gathered our families together for a small party on Sunday afternoon.  We had an assortment of pink and blue balloons and in the balloons we placed a piece of paper. Only 2 pieces of paper had anything written on them, and those two pieces had the names of our two babies.  Everyone was instructed to pop their balloon and if they got the names to shout them out for everyone to know the gender!  The video below shows you how this went over....

The group with their balloons (their gender prediction was the color they selected)

Here are their names!
Grandma and Grandpa got the balloons with the names (Grandma doesn't follow directions well, as you will see in the video, but we can't blame her for her excitement)