To give you an idea of how I've been doing these past two weeks, I'm sitting on the couch writing this at 2:30am and eating a box of Apple Jacks, because I've run out of new Facebook and IG posts to view. Sleep seems to elude me these days, and I feel as though the amount of sleep I'm missing out on is an excessive preparation for when the twins come. I've mentioned that to several people who reply that I'm not going to sleep at all once the twins arrive anyway, as if they're implying it's somehow "better" or "easier" now. A little tip for anyone who EVER encounters a pregnant lady (especially someone 34+ weeks pregnant in the middle of August in Alabama): DON'T ASSUME YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT IS EASIER FOR HER. Period.
While I understand that I will only be taking naps and getting broken sleep for the better part of the next few months, at least I will be able to get into a comfortable position and have those sweet faces to look at when I am awake (it's my belief that God makes them cute to keep us sane during those night hours).
Braxton Hicks are my nemesis! Once the sun goes down, I start to dread bed time (which used to be one of my favorite times of the day). I know that once I attempt to fall asleep, it will only be a matter of time before I have a 3-5 hour stretch of the night where I'm up every 10-15 minutes having a contraction and needing to use the restroom (it's remarkable the amount of pressure 2 babies can put on your bladder once they're both head down). At what's becoming my usual rate, I'm getting about 6-7 minute bursts of sleep during a 3-5 hour time span at night (I would like for anyone to tell me that's better than waking up every 2-3 hours to feed babies....nope...I'm not buying it). I actually get excited once 5am rolls around, because I can go ahead and get my next day started, and then we're one day closer to meeting H&H. (
Oh and this has only been going on at this intensity for the past 3 weeks. I struggled to sleep well before, but I'm slowly losing focus due to my new sleep habits.)
Moving on to some questions I've been receiving.....
Are you still working?
Several people have asked me this question, so I am happy to let you know that I AM still currently working. For the past 3 weeks, I've been working from home mostly and touching base in the office 1-2 days a week. I consider this to be a great blessing that God has given me the strength and focus to continue working up to the point that I go into labor. It's a huge financial help for Kevin and me, plus I think it keeps my mind occupied on something other than the fact that soon 2 babies have to exit my body (Yikes!). I also don't have to get dressed and ready to work at home, which is perfect because then I don't have to wear pants. (NONE of my maternity clothes fit me properly anymore. I layer for practical reasons, not fashionable ones.)
I went to the doctor on Tuesday this week, and my doctor did recommend that I keep it close to home in the next 3 weeks. "We wouldn't want you going into labor at work. That may traumatize some of your co-workers." So naturally I went into the office for a 3 hour meeting today, but I'm thinking it was likely my last day to go in before the twins arrive.
Are you ready?
This is a loaded question. By ready, do you mean when the babies come home will they be fed and clothed and have a place to sleep? Then yes, we're ready. By ready, do you mean has your body taken enough of a beating and it would be nice to hold them in your arms (and let others hold them for you)? Then yes, yes, yes, mommy is ready. By ready, do you mean that our life is about to be rocked by a drastic change in schedule and change forever? Sure, bring it on.
Is anyone ever truly ready for a baby (or babies as in our case)? There's only so much that you can do to prepare, and I've noticed that for Grady we seemed to over-prepare. At this point, our game plan is SURVIVE. All 5 of us plan to just survive and enjoy the changes and adjustments that will likely be made on a daily basis. You've got to admit, we won't be bored at our house (for pretty much the next 18 years).
Do you have help?
We have had so many offers from our wonderful family, friends, and church family from the moment they knew we were expecting twins. The amount of love and prayers lifted up on our behalf are remarkable (plus the amount of gifts and DIAPERS we've received have been so clutch)!
Once we make it home with H&H, there are plans for Kevin's mom to come help me with the twins during the day for at least a week, possibly more. My dad will also be taking some time off work to lend a helping hand and spend some time with his grandsons, and my mom will be coming down for 3 day weekends throughout the month of September (poor mom doesn't have the leave built up at work like dad does). (Grady will still be in daycare when we bring the boys home, in order to maintain some consistency in his schedule.)
Are you going to quit your job and stay home with the kids?
Ummmm.....NO. I have mad respect for the mama's that choose to do so, but as much as I love my kids and want to spend as much time with them as I can, I'm just not a SAHM. Financially for the family, it makes WAY more sense for me to go back to work (regardless of the mortgage payment we will be paying the daycare to send the kids there during the day). I also happen to enjoy working.
I will have about 8-10 weeks of maternity leave with H&H (so pretty much September and October). My wonderful boss at work has agreed to let me work from home for the months of November and December, since my job slows down a little during that time of the year and it will save us a good chunk of money to wait 2 more months before the twins go to daycare.
Starting in January, all 3 boys will be attending daycare, and mommy will attempt to pull herself together enough to be functional at the office. Kevin and I have devised a plan (at least for the next year) to help us save a little on the daycare costs. Luckily at the church where Grady goes to daycare, there's a menu of options on times and days you can sign your children up to attend. At the first of the year, Kevin and I plan to alternate working 4- 10 hour work days and 5- 8 hour work days. Whichever one of us is on the 4-10's will be staying at home with all 3 kids on that Friday. This will allow us to only send them to school 4 days a week. We will save roughly $300/month by doing this, and as an added bonus, every other week each of us will get a 3 day weekend to spend with our babies. This schedule won't make the work week easy on either of us, but by leaning on God for support and strength we know we can make this happen for our family.
As an added bonus, Kevin's mom has agreed to come keep the twins at our house every Thursday, so they will only be attending daycare 3 days per week (saving us almost another $200/month). Woo hoo!
So that's the plan (as of now).
How are you feeling?
I will skip my sleep pattern soap box since I was on that enough at the beginning of this post.
I'm feeling....honestly? down/exhausted/in pain/hopeful/excited......
The amount of fluid I'm now retaining in my feet and legs is unbelievable, and doesn't just look bad, it HURTS. My nutty professor feet look like if I take another step they may explode and by lunch time feel like they're on fire. My legs get a little numb from time to time, so I try to get a good mixture of laying and propping my feet and slight movement around the house to establish some blood flow.
My stretching skin on my pregnant belly ITCHES more that I could ever describe to you. I feel bruised from the inside out and it's very painful below my belly button. I really look forward to that relief once I deliver.
I get winded very easily, because there's just too much happening in my torso area for any of my organs to have enough room to function at full capacity. Walking up the stairs requires at least one break before I reach the top (I've considered leaving a few bottles of water on the steps because that would come in real handy these days). Heck, walking anywhere requires multiple breaks. Of course I don't even think you can consider my movement to be "walking" these days. It's more of a pregnant waddle/shuffle/limp. My hips are expanding in preparation for labor and delivery and they pop every time I take a step. I noticed yesterday that I have a tendency to drag my right leg a little when I walk (that's cool....NOT).
I can't tell you the last time I went to Target!!!! =( It's just too much effort. I miss it.
Despite the ailments of pregnancy, I'm pretty pumped that we're this close to meeting our boys. All of these pains and lack of sleep are only temporary, and will be replaced by the joy of holding these precious babies in my arms in a few weeks.
How are the babies?
The babies are doing wonderfully! They are growing big and strong. Both seem to have a little bit of hair when looking at the ultrasound, and during the ultrasound they've also mentioned some chubby cheeks and fat rolls on their bellies. =)
On Tuesday, Hudson's heart rate was 130 while Harrison's was 139. They both did great during the NST. We've got some very active babies, and I can still feel a lot of their movements. They're definitely running out of real estate, and the ultrasounds are more difficult for me to see what is what when the tech points it out to me (I just nod and say, Ohhhh cute).
Both boys are head down (we will see if Harrison chooses to remain in that position). They're squished pretty close together, and this week Hudson was asserting a little dominance and taking up a lot of Harrison's space (good for him). I can feel that they're riding a little lower now, and that adds a complication to walking around. They're measuring around 5 lbs each, and I'm hoping that if we can make it another 2-3 weeks they will be developed enough to spend little to no time in the NICU (praying!!!).
I go back again this next Thursday to check on their fluids and do another NST. Each appointment I attend now could be my last, and I'm so incredibly excited for the day they choose to arrive. If I don't go into labor by my 37 week check-up, then they will be scheduling to induce me. That's only 3 short weeks away, so I've got a maximum of 3 more ultrasound check-ups until the end of this pregnancy.
Who next blog post could include pictures of the Finnen Five! Let the countdown begin!