Monday, August 31, 2015

The Fun Has ARRIVED!


Hudson Thomas Finnen
Born @ 11:01am 8/18/15
Weighing 5 lbs 9 oz
Measuring 18" long


Harrison Edward Finnen
Born @ 11:06am 8/18/15
Weighing 5 lbs 1 oz
Measuring 18" long

Monday, August 17, 2015

(Two weeks ago) I wasn't feeling very well when Kevin got home from work.  We decided that I was in enough pain to go to the hospital and get checked out.  Upon arrival, they started to monitor the babies and my contractions.  Our nurse informed us that I was in labor and progressing slowly, but we would be having our babies within 24 hours!

That night went by very slowly, but they were able to give me some pain medicine to help me relax a little.  By morning, we were getting closer to delivery and the nurses started to prepare our room for the twin's arrival. (So much happening in one labor and delivery room.) 

Due to some technical difficulties with the oxygen hook up in our room, we were wheeled to the OR for delivery at the last minute.  Everything from that point went fairly quickly.  Hudson (Baby A) was delivered quickly and easily.  Harrison (Baby B) decided at the last minute that he would flip around and had to be delivered breech (not ideal, and I will spare you all the details of this experience, because he got here and was healthy).  Both babies were taken by the nurses to be cleaned up and given a check-up, and Kevin let me know that they were both healthy and beautiful baby boys.

Once back in our room, we were able to hold the babies, and family members that were in the waiting room came back to see the babies.  We weren't in our room long before they came in to check on the babies and made the call to send them to the NICU for observation because their breathing was too fast and shallow.  I believe they took the boys around 12:30pm and I didn't get a chance to see them again until 8:30pm that night.

Just before going to the NICU


Overall, Kevin and I were completely blessed that H&H's stay in the NICU was as brief as it was.  Their progress each day was so reassuring to see, and to have been delivered at 35 weeks and only spend 4 days in the NICU is truly a blessing from God.  The Saturday after the boys were born, we were able to bring them home with us (only 2 days after I was discharged).

Family photo (minus G, because he couldn't come into the NICU)

Holding my little Harrison in the NICU

Kevin holding Harrison in the NICU

Grady meets the Twins

Ready to go home

Time to meet Grady

First Family Photo

long day calls for a good nap

Grady saying "Shhhh, babies are asleep"

He loved meeting his brothers

Grady is tickling daddy's feet

Big brother likes to help

So far everything is going good in the Finnen household.  We have had tons of help and meals brought to us from church friends and family.  We are so grateful to God for these beautiful blessings and we thank you all for the prayers you have made on our behalf.

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