There was a full day opening at daycare for Mondays and Fridays in the nursery, so we decided it would be best to go ahead and send the boys all day so I can go into the office 2 days a week. Sending them from 9am-1pm was nice, but it meant that I didn't really do much before or after that time period.
Sunday Night Prep
In preparation for Monday morning, Kevin and I began packing bags and lunches and bottles on Sunday night. First thing we did was put all three kids to bed by 8pm. Once we both got into the kitchen to get started, we determined that the twins would need enough for 3-4 feedings (so we better pack for 4). I needed to be able to pump at work, so I would need at least 2 sets of pumping stuff and bottles for the milk I pumped. So here's what all we had to wash Sunday night just to be ready for Monday morning:
- 12 feeding bottles (8 for daycare and 4 for the night and morning feedings)
- 10 pumping bottles (6 for the bedtime/middle of the night/morning pumping sessions and 4 to take to work)
- 5 sets of pumping accessories (all the other pieces required to pump for each of the pumping sessions mentioned above)
- 3 large bottles (for the extra milk I would pump at work)
Let's just say that took a while.
Since I didn't have enough milk pumped in the fridge for the kiddos to take to school, I had to dip into our freezer supply to get us started. So we put those bags in the fridge to thaw out over night.
We packed my lunch and put it in the fridge. We packed Grady's lunch and put it in his backpack (with a note to remember and add the 2 cold items in the morning with an ice pack). Kevin luckily already had lunch at work. We packed 2 sets of pump bottles and accessories and a sterilizing bag for me to take to work, along with the 3 large bottles for the milk. We put coolers out for each of the twins so we could add their bottles to them in the morning.
I packed my laptop and work files in a bag to carry into the office with me the next morning. We picked out clothes for the boys and ourselves to wear the next day. We packed what we have come to call the "night basket". (Night basket contents: 2 pump sets, 4 bottles, and 4 bottles of rice cereal measured out.) Our bedroom is upstairs, so I don't have easy access to putting dirty bottles and pump stuff in the sink when we finish in the middle of the night. So we pack a basket to carry upstairs with everything we will need in the middle of the night, and then we bring it back down in the morning to wash everything.
After all of that was done, I pumped one last time before bed. It had only been 2 hours since the twins had taken their bed time bottles, and they've been sleeping a consistent 5 hours before their middle of the night feeding. However, that would put them waking up at 12am instead of the preferred 2-3am (it was only 10pm, so I didn't feel like waking up again in 2 hours to feed them). So we unswaddled the babies and made them take another 2oz bottle before swaddling and putting them back in bed. (They didn't wake up again until 3am. #success)
Monday Morning
Kevin and I both got up for the 3am feeding so that it would go quicker. After feeding Harrison, I pumped and we were all back asleep within 30 minutes of waking up. I woke up again at 5am to get in the shower. I started getting ready and woke Kevin up around 6am, and I pumped again. Kevin and I were pretty much ready by 6:30am, and we woke Grady and the twins up to get them dressed for school. Kevin took Grady and I took H&H. I had just enough time to start soaking the night bottles in the sink and it was time to start loading up the car. By 7:05am we were all pulling out of the driveway.
The daycare dropoff went as smooth as it possibly could. Grady walked in while I carried the twins and both bags. I sat the twins down in their room and went to drop Grady off in his room. After that, I went back to the nursery to help unload H&H and get their bottles out for the teachers. Then my job there was done and I was heading back home to grab all of my bags. That part won't be happening every morning, but since I was earlier than I expected leaving the house, I decided not to burden myself with 2 trips up and down the basement stairs to get everything loaded up. I still had to grab my computer bag, lunch box, pump, and cooler with pump accessories and bottles.
Then I got to go to work!
Back in the Office
This week is truly a different kind of week, because my co-worker is out of the office this week unexpectedly and I needed to take over his workload in addition to my own. So I spent the day busting it to get my job ready to bid, and then started reviewing his to make sure it was complete and ready. I actually didn't even finish in time, so I had to take it home with me to complete.
Pumping at work is hard and stressful. I'm going to have to find a better routine and work out a system, because it's so easy to get caught up in what you're doing at work and forget to pump. I set alarms to remind me, otherwise I would probably explode before I remembered I needed to pump. But even with those alarms, I missed my 2-3pm pump session.
What will be interesting is when my co-worker returns to work, because we share an office, and it's just not appropriate for me to kick him out of the office for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. We don't have any empty offices, so my three options are going to be the conference room (awkward), the bathroom (just not very appealing), or my car. At least this week I can use my hands free pumping bra and work while I pump, but if I have to go to my car every three hours and then wash my pump bottles and then get back to my desk, you're talking about an entire hour and a half I will lose every day at work. Which means I likely will be eating lunch during one of my pumps so that I don't lose any more time.
Then I have to remember to pack up all of the milk and ice pack into the cooler to take home with me. Oh, and I have to make sure I leave by 4:45pm or I will be late to get the kids. So I'm actually losing an hour and a half of work AND I'm leaving 15-20 minutes early every day.
So while it was nice to be back in the office and feel a little more normal again, it was also still a little stressful because of everything I needed to cram into the day.
Made it through the Day
I made it to daycare by 5:15pm to get my boys (they close at 5:30, so they were definitely happy to see me pulling up). The babies were finishing their bottles, so I got Grady and we made our way back to the nursery to load up H&H. We all got into the van just fine, and made it to the house where Kevin came out to help us all unload.
It was a whirl wind of a day, and I'm sort of thankful that we're only doing it on Monday and Friday for the time being. It will give us some good practice before January when this will become our daily norm.
Even typing this made me tired just thinking about the fact that tomorrow night we will start that preparation part all over again. Whew!
Oh, and the boys are 3 months old today. Seems like a lot more time has passed, but at the same time I can't believe they're already 3 months old. Perspective is so funny when it comes to your kids. I will be posting their month pictures and info later this week, because now lunch break is over and it's time to get back to work (from home).