Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A typical Monday

So, part of this blog is to keep everyone informed about how life is going with the twins, but it's mostly so I will remember this part of my life (that I'm sure will be a big blur even by next year).  So for today's post, I'm going to update the blog throughout the day so I can remember what a typical Monday looks like (with the twins in MDO).

To start, I got a pretty decent night's sleep.  We put the twins and Grady in bed by 9pm (that process started around 8:20pm).  After washing up some bottles and pumping before bed and of course folding some laundry, Kevin and I were actually in bed by 10pm (#winning #teamwork).

There was a moment around 11pm that I thought might break me. H&H have been doing a solid job of sleeping 5 hours between their bed time feeding and the middle of the night feeding.  However, last night, Harrison was up just 3 hours after the bed time feeding (one hour after I crawled into bed).  So I gave him 1/2 an oz of his middle of the night bottle and stuck a paci in his mouth.  That did the trick!  He didn't get up again until 2am! 

I was up at 2am for their feeding and back asleep by 2:45am.  Kevin gets up every morning to feed them and lets me stay in bed to get a little more sleep, so he fed the kiddos at 5:30am and I didn't get up until 6:45am.  (This means I got to sleep solidly from 11pm-2am (3 hours), and again from 3am-6:45am (almost 4 hours)! [insert smiley face])

Let's begin my "Typical Monday" there.

6:45am - Wake up and take bottles downstairs to be washed

6:50am - Grady hears me come back up the stairs and is ready to get out of bed.  I grab a diaper for him and clothes for school today (he doesn't want to go to school...he wants to go to the couch with mommy).  I convince Grady that school is cool and tell him and Kevin goodbye.

7:00am - Time to pump!

7:15am - Now time to wash all of the bottles from last night

7:30am - Breakfast time (and catch up on Quantico from last night)

8:20am - Hudson is awake and ready to eat =/  I go and get him dressed for MDO and then wake Harrison up to get him dressed.  Harrison was in a real happy mood this morning and just kept smiling and cooing while I was getting him dressed (Hudson was hangry and pouting on the chair).

8:50am - Both boys are loaded up in their carseats, diaper bag is packed, and we're heading out the door.  (Something important to note:  For those who don't know the layout of our house, the garage is in the basement.  Usually we pull the van up to the street right in front of the house to load the boys up.  Recently, I've gotten bolder and decided to carry both boys down the stairs in their carseats to save the step of moving the van.  Challenging, but do-able.)

9:05am - Back home  (daycare is ridiculously close to our house) and ready to work.  Let's see what I can get done in these 4 short hours.

10:00am - Time to pump again. (This never ends...well it will end, just not right now)

10:20am - Realize the oatmeal cream pies are gone.  I'm now mad at myself for having 2 yesterday.

10:30am - Just agreed to go to a cardio workout class tonight at church.  I may will definitely regret that tomorrow.

11:00am - I'm hungry.  We have nothing to eat here.  Chickfila? Peanut Butter & Jelly? I know what I won't be eating...oatmeal cream pie (still mad at myself).

11:05am - Decide on eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon. And work a little more.

12:00pm - Get side tracked on potty training research.  Yep, this is happening soon.  Set a date for first weekend in December.  Let the games begin!

12:20pm - Time to go to Publix and figure out what's for dinner.

1:10pm - Back at home, groceries and twins unloaded and put away.  (Hoping they want to nap for the next 2 hours before it's time to eat again.)  Also, wondering why I didn't get more oatmeal cream pies....

1:12pm - Hudson's screaming...won't stop.  He's been fed, his diaper is clean, and he took an hour nap at noon.  Who know's why he's screaming.

1:19pm - Back to actual work...you know the stuff I get paid to do.

1:30pm - Arghhhh! Forgot to pump, time to do that again.

1:40pm - Making a mental note that I need to buy bigger bottles to pump into.  These 5oz ones are filling up fast these days (hungry/growing boys means more milk to pump and feed/store). #justcallmeBessie

I get really tired of pumping every 3-4 hours of the day (around the clock, no time for sleep).  So it's helpful for me to see how beneficial this is to us financially (because I already know the benefits of the nourishment for the babies, but sometimes it would be nice to dump some powder into water and shake and go.  Tons of babies are only formula fed, and they're doing just fine.).  

So as self motivation, I just checked the stats on my pumping app (yes, I have one of those).  Apparently since November 2nd, I've pumped 48 times for 10 hours and got 3.3 gallons of milk. I just did some math on the cost of formula...I'm saving us $190/month (and that's buying the cheap stuff)! Also, holy moly, my babies drink more than 3 gallons in a week.  Plus, I have just under 400oz in the freezer, but when you do the math (with 2 babies), that's not even a full week of feedings. =/ 

1:45pm - Now, let's find a snack and get back to work.  Babies will eat again at 3pm, so hoping to get an hour of work done.  (Found some Halloween candy! That cardio workout tonight isn't going to know what hit it!)

2:51pm - I'm going to attempt to clean the kitchen quickly before the babies wake up.  That way it's ready for me to cook dinner when I actually get around to doing that. (Besides, my program on my computer isn't working, so I'm having to wait on Help Desk to return a call anyway.  I'm currently ignoring emails, because they're evil.)

3:30pm - Kitchen is clean and chicken is cut up and ready to cook for dinner.  Babies are still snoozing because I cheated and swaddled them to make them nap longer (#mommyhacks).  I also caught up on washing bottles! BOOM!

Kevin and I started a chore chart (lame, I know), but with his study schedule and me being here ALL day but still needing to work, something had to give.  So now I have a board up in my kitchen that lists what we have to do each night.  Monday is my easy night, because I get to go work out.  So now that the bottle washing is caught up, it's less work for me later tonight...I'm on bottle washing duty on Mondays. ;)  I was sweet to Kevin, because I washed all of the dirty dishes (he's on dish duty).  And despite all of the laundry we've been doing lately, we currently have 3 clean loads that need to be folded and put away, one load folded that needs to be put away, a load in the washer and dryer, and 3 more loads that need to be washed.  Laundry is a viscous cycle! #LoadsofLaundry

3:45pm - Time to feed some babies.  Harrison first, then Hudson.

4:15pm - Babies fed and time for a little catch up on work before I start dinner.

4:30pm - Give up on the work (my program I use still isn't working), and start dinner.

I tried a new recipe tonight and it turned out great! :)

5:20pm - Dinner is served

Dinner is a challenging time around here most nights. Grady is a struggle fighting to get him to eat. Tonight he sat in my lap and ate off my plate (at least he ate all of my bread). After the prayer, I got up from the table a total of 6 times before I was able to finish my meal. Once to go "potty" with Grady. Then 5 different times to pacify babies so that I could hold them off to feed them after we were done

6:00pm - Time to feed babies...oh wait, somewhere between washing bottles and cleaning the kitchen and feeding babies earlier, I forgot to pump. Luckily, I have enough for 2 feedings in the fridge. Which means we need to warm up some bottles. 

6:30pm - Babies are fed (glad Kevin is home to split duties with). Now it's time to pump again.

7:15pm - Heading up to the church to do a little cardio with the ladies (it feels sooooo good to get out)

8:30pm - Survived the workout! Whew! That was fun.

9:00pm - Arrive home just in time to realize that Grady is still awake and not ready for bed, and that the babies are almost ready to eat again.  Apparently Harrison was crying the whole time unless Kevin was holding him, so Kevin's hands were tied up the entire time I was gone.

9:15pm - Time to feed babies and get them ready for bed.  I take Hudson while Kevin gets Harrison.  Grady sits on the couch with his bop (cup of milk) and toy cars until it's his turn to get ready for bed (he was trying to negotiate for some cookies....ummmm I don't think so buddy.  Should have done that when mommy was gone.).

9:35pm - Hudson is ready for bed, so now I'm free to take Grady to bed.  Against his will (at first), I pick him up along with his pillow and blankie.  We go to bed and read a story and say a prayer.

Every night I ask Grady who he wants to pray for, and every night he thinks for a little while and then says GOD! Occasionally he wants to pray for airplanes or cats, but tonight I asked if there was any person that he wanted to say a special prayer for, and his response was Daddy.  We've been praying for daddy a lot since he's studying for the CPA, so last night we said another special prayer for daddy and Grady was very happy.

10:00pm - I finally make it back downstairs, and Kevin is getting the twins swaddled.  I need to pump again before bed, so I get started on that.  Usually on Mondays, Kevin and I stay up to watch NCIS: Los Angeles, but we were both so worn out that he went on to bed and I came up after pumping.

10:30pm - Successfully in bed ready to sleep!

And so the cycle begins again.....

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