Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Family Vaca and #GradybugTurns2

Family Vaca

So much has been going on lately!  I mostly post updates about the twins and my pregnancy, but since we went to the beach the last week of June and celebrated Grady's 2nd birthday last week, I want to share those things as well.

After my last ultrasound appointment, everything was going smoothly with H&H, so Kevin and I loaded up the car and took Grady down to Orange Beach to join my family on our family beach vacation.

We had such a good time playing in the sand and the swimming pool.  Grady was a fan of the ocean (as long as he was being held by someone), but his FAVORITE thing to do was go down the water slide.  The condo where we were staying had a lazy river (my personal favorite) that tied into the water slide.  Kevin would come down the slide holding Grady (who's face was all smiles) and they would splash into the water.  Immediately after hitting the water, you could see G look at Kevin and say "AGAIN!" or "I wanna ride".  Between him, Owen, and Cooper, we kept that slide in good business.

It's a lot of work taking a toddler to the beach, but it's also so much fun to see how they enjoy themselves.  We did see a shark on our first day at the beach (reason #2 that I don't really get in the ocean much anymore...reason #1 is jelly fish, because they ALWAYS find me in the water).  We played under the tent (pale baby problems), napped a lot, tried swimming, ate great food, danced in the street during a light show at the Wharf, and got to watch fireworks on 4th of July!

Here are a few pictures from our vacation:

Family photo opp while we take a break from dancing to the light show at the Wharf
The difference a year makes

Playing in the sand (under the tent, of course)

Living the dream (he looks tan because of the filter I used...haha, don't be fooled)

Family Beach Pic
4th of July Fireworks show at The Wharf (Grady = not a fan of fireworks)

Mommy and Grady selfie on the morning of his 2nd BIRTHDAY!

He's got this beach thing figured out

Beach Bum (he decided this was his chair on our 2nd day our on the beach)

Kevin and I at The Wharf after dinner one night (Grady was too fascinated by the boats to get in a picture with us)

Gradybug Turns 2!

Grady's birthday was the Thursday we were on vacation (July 2nd).  So we celebrated his birthday with a party this past Saturday, July 11th.  Family and friends got together at the park behind our house to play and then we opened presents at the house and had lunch with the family.  It was such a good day, and I know Grady had a blast.  Here are some of the pictures from his Goofy themed party.

He loved his Goofy cake and started to dig into it with a fork almost immediately after blowing the candle out

His cousin, Ella Raegan, had fun going down the slide with G

Here's Grady with Emma Grace and Ella Raegan (Lilli will be moving around with them next year)

While opening presents, he was really excited to see what was in the packages

His reaction to a bulldozer that makes noise (Thanks Aunt B and Uncle Mat)

He even stood still to read all of the cards that went with his presents (this is G with his great-grandmother, my Nanny)

Then....he crashed...

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner that night and he wanted to play checkers with Pop Pop

And he was a huge fan of the peg game (only he wanted all of the holes filled instead of empty)

My little baby is growing up fast, and soon he will be a big brother!  I know he can't fully comprehend what's coming his way, but once the shock and confusion wears off, I think this sweet little 2 year old is going to be the best big brother to H&H. 

After these past two weeks, mama is ready to slow down and take it easy (and maybe let my ankles get back to a normal shape and size).  Our next big plans include adding 2 more kiddos to the family, and that will be here before we know it!

Obviously I took more pictures for each of these events (which many of you probably saw on Instagram and Facebook already).  If you want to see more, you can search #wilbanksbeachtrip2K15 and #GradybugTurns2.

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