Tuesday, June 30, 2015

28 Week - Growth Check

Just as I hoped, these boys are still growing healthy and strong! Kevin and I can't help but feel blessed beyond measure and know that God is watching over our family.

I thank God every day, but can't seem to think there is more that I can do for Him, because of all He is doing for me. It is truly amazing the power our prayers have when we put our faith and trust in Him!!! PRAISE HIM!

28 week growth stats:

Hudson had a heart rate of 127 and was kicking a little, but mostly calm (as usual).  He is measuring 4 days ahead of their due date at a whopping 2lb 8oz (tiny still, but I feel every bit of that 2.5 pounds of miracle). Hudson is in the 46th%. 

Harrison was putting on a performance today. At our last visit (2 weeks ago) he was head down with his brother. Today he started the ultrasound sideways (I can tell he's been laying like this a lot lately), and mid-ultrasound did a little kick turn and flipped into the breech position. His heart rate is 148 today and he, too, is measuring 4 days ahead at 2 lbs 11oz! Harrison is in the 55th% (probably the only time my children will be in that percentile range). 

I am in complete awe of this entire process and feel such a love and connection with these babies that it literally brings me to tears at times. Identical or not, I can tell there will be differences in their little personalities, and look forward to the day where I can meet them face to face(s)!

For the most part I'm still getting around pretty well. Moving slower, but still moving forward. My iron levels are still low (despite taking pills twice a day for that, in addition to my prenatal). Now I get the pleasure of having injections occasionally to help me not be so anemic (super awesome). Those good ole Braxton Hicks contractions have started at night (making the 2am-4am hours particularly difficult to get comfortable). But regardless of these aches and pains, knowing that the boys are growing and getting strong helps me to endure my own growing pains. 

Kevin and Grady have been such troopers, and help me in every way possible. Grady is finally warming up to the idea that we're having babies (he will no doubt be in shock a little when he meets them and realizes that they're going to stay with us...permanently). He is so sweet and wants to hug the babies now and I think he's going to be a great big brother once we all get settled in.   Yesterday morning the kiddos were moving around and it was hurting me, so I took a deep breath and held my stomach. Grady walked up to me with this look of concern and said, "What's the matter mommy?" I told him the babies are moving and that a hug from him would help, so he climbed into my lap and gave me the biggest sweetest hug and kiss. That child melts my heart!

In two short days, my first baby will be 2 years old. It's so hard to believe how quickly the time passes, and in no time at all we will have the other two additions to our family here with us. This is such an exciting and wonderful time. Thanks to everyone who has mentioned us in your prayers! We greatly appreciate your thoughts and can tell you first hand that God is listening!

1 comment:

  1. My iron is low, too, and I get an infusion every week. It sucks, but it helps a lot!
