Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Long Road Ahead

Yesterday morning I woke up and as soon as my feet hit the floor I knew it would be a long day.  As I walked to the bathroom to start getting ready, I felt a sharp pain in my hips and pelvis with every step I took.  I managed to get in and out of the shower (but with difficulty) and that's when I realized that this wasn't something that was going to loosen up.

I can't truly explain the pain in a way that would do it justice.  I will admit that I can be a big baby when it comes to experiencing pain, and my flair for the dramatic tends to come to the surface.  However, I don't think anyone would say this pain I'm feeling is no big deal.  I can obviously feel the pressure of my growing belly, and the weight it now puts on my hips and pelvis.  I can feel the stretching of my skin and ligaments to make more room for these growing boys.  I can feel my ankles getting angry when I stand up for too long.  I can feel my lower back being pulled forward by this baby bump (or mountain).  As of yesterday morning, I now feel sharp pains that run all around my lower torso and shoot through my lower back around my pelvis.

There were a lot of tears as I tried to go about my normal morning routine.  The pain in my lower back and lower body was intense when I was moving, but I haven't had any contractions and I could feel both babies kicking around.  I understand that the weight and pressure of the babies is increasing, and the effects of that are starting to show on my body.  No one ever said this was going to be easy, but I don't remember hearing that it could possibly be this painful (this early on) either.

I made my slow journey to work, limping and walking like I was 600 lbs (see how dramatic I can be).  After I completed some of the tasks that had to be done that day, I decided it was in my best interest to go home and lay down.  Walking was/is painful, sitting was/is painful, but laying on my side with all of my pillows seemed to be sweet relief.  As I waddled down the hall at work, my boss asked if I was going into labor.  My reply, "Nope, just going home."  I'm very blessed to have the job I do with an understanding boss and co-workers.

On my way home, I decided to call my doctor to see if there was anything I could do to relieve this pain.  Once the nurse called back with the doctors response, she told me to come in that afternoon for an appointment.

For the record, my doctor is awesome.  Once I arrived they first checked on the babies heart rates (both in the 140's and kicking so much that the nurse started laughing as she was trying to get a reading).  They also checked me to make sure that my body wasn't showing any signs of wanting to go into labor.  Good news, just as I expected, the babies are great and still locked up so they can keep getting stronger (and bigger).  Basically, I've just hit that point in my pregnancy where I need to wear that maternity belt and take it slow and easy.  She said that it's not going to get any easier from this point, so I just need to find what makes me comfortable, and let the babies keep doing what they need to in order to grow and continue developing.

While my pain level today isn't any better than it was yesterday, I've decided we will just power through.  These boys and I are going to stick together for the next 12 weeks, and if I have to slow down a little to get there, then so be it.  No matter what the pain or discomfort I'm currently feeling, it's all just temporary, and the reward at the end of this experience is going to be better than words can describe.

God is so good to us, and we continue to thank Him for the blessings He gives us.  His power is so awesome, and there's no need for me to worry, because He has taken that burden away from me.

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