Tuesday, June 9, 2015

We have a NURSERY!

This past weekend was PROJECT NURSERY!

It's amazing how wrapped up you can get in life and how busy your life can seem.  When the time comes to work on a home project, it's such a challenge to find a weekend you're not too busy to get some things done (at least we seem to have this problem).  My limited desire to move helped make this a good weekend for Kevin to get in the nursery and start preparing it for Hudson and Harrison.

We moved into our house back in September, and never really did anything to decorate this particular room in the house.  It was initially Grady's room, but we moved him to the guest room when we put together his big boy bed room (I will make a separate back dated post for this one, because it was fun).

The paint was already a really neutral cream color (so naturally, I picked a different neutral color I wanted the walls to be painted).  After a little research, I decided I wanted to use Behr Cotton Grey.  Unlike the people who have blogged about their paint color choices, we didn't get a ton of samples.  We just went in full committal on this color and got our gallon and went about our way.

Cotton Grey...it turned out perfect!

Grady went to Home Depot with us and helped pick out all of the supplies we would be needing.

Kevin worked so hard on this, and it turned out just as I had hoped.

Next came the crib assembly. which was pretty painless.  We had all of the nursery furniture that we had with Grady, but the exact bed we used for him has been discontinued.  However, in the same product line, there's another bed design in the same color scheme.  My wonderful parents (mom) decided that the beds should really match.  I gratefully accepted her offer to get the 2 matching cribs, and then we could either sell the crib we had, or they may just use it at their house.  Kevin has already put Grady's crib together 3 different times, so this was pretty much like riding a bike for him.  Plus he had a good assistant this time.

Look at that concentration

He wants to be just like Daddy

The bedroom is a decent size (for 1 kid), but trying to cram 2 large wooden cribs, a dresser, and a glider (with ottoman) into this space proved to be a challenge.  Once the paint had all dried and beds were assembled, Kevin started working his Tetris magic with the furniture.

Here's what we've come up with for now....It looked too funny to overlap the beds, because of the way the front rail dips down, so we're just going to toss boxes of diapers back in the corner for storage, and call it a day.

Decorations (airplane theme) will hopefully happen before the twins arrive, but I make no promises.  They will get curtains (because I already have those in a box...somewhere). It's rough being the second kid, not to mention when you are the second kid and bring along a permanent friend with you. 

We will see what we can add to this in the coming weeks.  It'll get there.

Next project:  Getting one more car seat and cleaning up the double stroller

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